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Steve Lucky and the Rhumba Bums - San Francisco band. Calendar, photos, message board, contact and booking information.
Steve Vecchi Orchestra - Nine, fourteen, or eighteen piece big band. Audio and video clips, song lists, booking information.
Stone, Ron - New England swing and jazz band. Profile, song list, schedule, contact information.
Streamliners, The - Knoxville big band. Photos, member list, links, message board.
String Of Pearls - San Francisco area big band. News, schedule, booking and contact information, recordings, links, photos.
Studebakers, The - History, recordings, photos, calendar.
Sunshine, Ron and Full Swing - New York area band. Audio and video clips, CDs, biography, calendar, band member profiles, contact and booking information.
Sweethearts of Swing - Geelong, Australia based. Biography, repertoire, booking information, reviews, past tours, recordings, lyrics.
Swing Cat Swing - St. Louis band. Biographies, schedule, news, contact information.
Swing Cats, The - Seven piece Winnipeg swing band. Swing, blues, jump, jive, rhythm and blues. News, band information, a list of past and upcoming shows, member biographies, reviews, contact information, merchandise and discography.
Swing Daddies - Wichita-based neo-swing band. Contains a calendar, song list, photos, biographical information, photographs, links, and a few songs to listen to.
Swing Fever - San Francisco Bay Area swing band. Contact information, band and member profiles, calendar, CDs, audio clips, client comments, song list.
Swing Kings - Los Angeles band. Photos, audio samples, reviews, calendar.
Swing Legacy, The - Boston-based sextet plus vocalist. Profile, audio clips, CD reviews, song list, client list, calendar, biographies, photos, FAQ, contact information.
Swing Nouveau - Milwaukee big band. Calendar, mailing list, song list, photos, audio samples, booking and contact information.
Swing Session, The - San Francisco sextet. Contact information, calendar, their CD.
Swing Shift - Eleven piece band. History, FAQ, song list, booking and contact information.
Swing Shift Dance Band - Washington D.C. 18-piece big band. Schedule, band and member profiles, booking form, past venues, song list, reviews, merchandise, mailing list.
Swing Shift Orchestra, The - Big band for New York and the tri-state area. Contains member profiles, calendar, press clippings, audio clips, and booking information.
Swing Shift Orchestra, The - Big band for New York and the tri-state area. Contains member profiles, calendar, press clippings, audio clips, and booking information.

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