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Gods of Ancient Egypt - Fast-loading and informative, this is a good, short intro to Egyptian Mythology.
Hathor, Mistress of Heaven - The goddess of the sky, love, mirth, beauty and fertility.
Holy Cats - The Cat in Ancient Egypt - A gateway to four essays about Bast, the cat-headed goddess of ancient Egypt, Bubastis, city of the cat, how cats were loved and worshipped in Egypt, and what happened to a Roman who killed a cat.
Hor - Book about ancient Egypt published online. The sun-god, Re, journeys through the Underworld towards the dawn.
Isis - Isis, though worshipped all over Egypt, was specially venerated in certain cities.
Makara's Ancient Egyptian Site - Features over 150 Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, definitions of terms, links to many related sites, and various specialty pages.
Osiris - From the hieroglyphic texts of all periods of the dynastic history of Egypt we learn that the god of the dead, par excellence, was the god, whom the Egyptians called by a name which was commonly known to us as "Osiris."
Osiris - From the hieroglyphic texts of all periods of the dynastic history of Egypt we learn that the god of the dead, par excellence, was the god, whom the Egyptians called by a name which was commonly known to us as "Osiris."
Religions of the Ancient Near East: Myths and Gods - "In this session you are to explore the names, characteristics, and deeds of the main gods of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Canaan."
Temple at Bubastis - Information on variations of ancient and modern Bast worship and summaries of dozens of Tameran (Ancient Egyptian) deities.
Temple of Isis - Information in the Goddess Isis including the Isis Knot, graphics, and prayers.
The Domain of Bast - Essay on the historical Bast (Bastet), the ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) goddess (Netjert), mistress of Bubastis and Eye of Her Father, Ra.
The Gods of Ancient Egypt - A comprehensive list of the gods of ancient Egypt. Each listing includes a description of the aspects of the deity, many are accompanied by illustrations, an anecdotal myth and a devotional prayer to the god.
Two Approaches to an Egyptian Pantheon - This outline addresses only the first and second of the official cults of Egypt. From time to time and place to place in Egypt, one or the other of the gods or aspects of god might be advanced as the High God. The Memphite Theology predominated before about 2700 BCE, while the Heliopolitan perception predominated intermittently thereafter, by Michael Poe.

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