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A Dream of the Unknown - The Shelley poem in plain HTML text.
A Lament - Shelley's "A Lament" poem in plain text.
A Lament - Shelley's "A Lament" poem in plain text.
A widow bird sate mourning for her Love
Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats - The entire Elegy with helpful in-text notes about the poem.
Alastor: Or, the Spirit of Solitude - The Introductory Note on Shelley's "Alastor: Or, the Spirit of Solitude".
Alastor: Or, the Spirit of Solitude - The Introductory Note on Shelley's "Alastor: Or, the Spirit of Solitude".
Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude - Shelley's entire "Alsator; or, The Spirit of Solitude" with notes by J.D. Robins.
And like a Dying Lady, Lean and Pale - A short Shelley poem with in-text notes by M.T. Wilson.
Archy's Song from Charles the First - Shelley's "Archy's Song" with in-text notes by M.T. Wilson.
Art thou pale for weariness - The poem with in-text notes.
England in 1819 - The poem with in-text notes by M.T. Wilson.
Epipsychidion - An excerpt(lines 407-591) of Shelley's "Epipsychidion" with in-text notes.
Flight of Love - Shelley's "Flight of Love" poem in plain text.
Hellas (Chorus from) - Just the Chorus (lines 1060-1101) from Shelley's "Hellas" with in-text notes by M.T. Wilson.
Hymn of Pan - Shelley's "Hymn of Pan" with in-text notes by M.T. Wilson.
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty - The Shelley poem with line notes by M.T. Wilson.
Hymn to the Spirit of Nature - Shelley's poem in plain text.
I fear thy kisses, gentle maiden - Percy Shelley's "I fear they kisses, gentle maiden" (not titled).

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