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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
The Gorean Public Boards - An interactive message board for fans and lifestylers of John Norman's Gor. Public boards are described in book #25 - Magicians of Gor and is from where this forum takes its name.
The Gorean Voice - A monthly online magazine which addresses both the fans of the books of John Norman's Chronicles of Gor, and the lifestylers, with interviews, information and articles on philosophy, interaction and living within the codes in this society.
The Inn At Star Gate - An Inn nestled in the Mountains of Thentis.
The Jagged Dagger - A Yahoo Chat channel dedicated to following the books of John Norman, providing information on the Gorean lifestyle and the world of Gor.
The Kaige Page - A real time kajira discusses various issues on Gorean slavery and its application to real life.
The Kajira Pages - A collection of quotes taken from the novels on kajirae and the land of Torvald. Indexed for ease of use.
The Lost Scroll - Original fantasy fiction based loosely on The Chronicles of Gor.
The Masquerade Inn - Role-playing on IRC that is not meant for kids. The setting is a peaceful inn nestled in the foothills of Talmont.
The Official Gorean WebRing - Webring featuring all types of Gorean sites regardless of network affiliation. Does not include sites of a BDSM nature, nor slave poetry pages.
The Plains of Turia - A small encampment on the edge of the plains.
The Scribe's Archive - A detailed and documented reference of Gorean culture.
The Silk & Steel Tavern - An informational resource providing a library of essays and background on the IRC channel of the same name.
The White Larl - An auction house and tavern intended for those interested in the lifestyle. All auctions are strictly for fun and entertainment, and are in no way permanent.
The Yellow Knives - A comprehensive look at the people that make up Books 17 and 18 of the John Norman Series.
This Kajira's Heart - A website dedicated to kajira and information on them.
World of Gor - Cooperative effort with John Norman to republish the 25 books and bring two new ones to publication.
XenoChat - This is a new age chat site. Gorean rooms: Varma Akas, Tarn Tavern, kajira falls, Blackhand Outpost, City of Ar, Paravachi.
cathy's World - A kajira's homepage providing information on Gorean castles and taverns, menus, and a comprehensive dictionary.
kaissa - the game - From "the game" in John Norman's source books, comes an interactive on-line game that is playable by two.
kajira bells - Slave bell jewelry made to custom fit the wearer, Feel free to browse and suggest improvements or items you would like to see

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