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Seido Karate United Kingdom - A school teaching the Tadashi Nakamura style at dojos in the UK. Includes information on the history of the style, dojo locations, contact details and class times.
Shaolin Martial Arts Academy - John Keefe school teaching Chinese kenpo, tai chi and kickboxing in Stoneham, Massachusetts USA. Includes dojo directions, contact details and class times.
Shidokan - An organization that produces and promotes full contact karate tournaments throughout the USA. The Shidokan style combines the best of bare knuckle karate, Thai boxing and American grappling.
Shindo - Budo at the web - A school in Hanover, Germany teaching Shorinjiryu Kenkokan karatedo also Aikido, Tai Chi Chuan, Combat Arnis, Iaido and ZaZen. Includes styles histories, location and contact details.
Shinseikai Karate Whistler Dojo - A school in British Columbia, Canada teaching a newly developed style of full contact karate. Includes information on development of the style, quick time movies, dojo locations, class times and email contact details.
Shintaido of America - A new style developed from Bojutsu, Kenjutsu and Shotokai karate with strong emphasis on flowing body movement and expression. Includes directions to training locations.
Shodin Ji Do Karate - Ron Haggerton school in Hobbs, New Mexico USA. Includes a history of the style, a description of the school, pictures of the students in training and an email contact address.
Shorinjiryu Kenzenkai Karate - Tom Carmelengo school in Staten Island, New York USA providing regular classes to people of all ages. Includes details on location, class times and history of the style.
Smallfield Karate Club - Ian Traynor's school of Shitoryu and Shukokai styles in Surrey, England an affiliate of Kobe Osaka International. Includes style history, information on the parent organization, contact information and class times.
Sofranko's Karate Academy - A school in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania USA teaching Sofranko's self styled karate system developed from taekwondo, ninjutsu and jeet kun do. Includes address, contact details and class times.
Sogo Goshin Do Karate - Christina Crank's site providing information on the style, her dojo in Waterboro, South Carolina USA, photos and links to related sites.
Steel City Martial Arts - A school teaching Jitsu Jen karate and Aiki jujitsu located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. Includes address of dojo and contact details.
Super Sport Karate - A school in Frederick, Maryland USA teaching traditional karate and aerobic kickboxing. Includes class times, dojo location and contact details.
TYGA Karate International - Headquarters in the United Kingdom of Gary Wasniewski's system of karate. Includes details of club locations and affiliations.
Tenshin-Kai Tai Chi Marina del Rey Los Angeles - Grandmaster Hirakawa teaches in a traditional Japanese dojo, in Marina Del Rey, California. Dojo history and events.
Tenshinkan Karate - Headquarters in Japan for Mamoru Miwa's style combining techniques from karate, aikido, jujitsu and kobudo. Includes style history, affiliations and details of world branches.
Tokoshi Martial Arts Federation - An eclectic style of Karate utilizing concept from jujutsu and aikido. TMAF aims to unify martial artists in a spirit of mutual respect and purpose. Based in Midway, Ohio.
Ultimate Karate Academy - A school teaching American free style to people of all ages with a special program for pre school children. Includes information on location, class times and other classes in cardio kick boxing.
United Karate Institute of Self Defense - A full service studio teaching American kenpo, tae kwon do, tai chi, and cardio kickboxing in Alexandria, Virginia USA. Includes location details and class times.
United Martial Arts Center - A school teaching William Cavalier's Tatsu Do style in Rochester, New York USA plus additional specialized programs in self defense and fitness kick boxing. Includes information on style history, dojo location, contact details and class times.

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