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Okinawan Goju-Ryu Daigaku Karate-Kai, Bristol - Bristol University Combat Karate Club is a true form of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate. Hard Soft School of empty hand, having it's traditional roots and training methods while still evolving as a modern and effective fighting and self defence system.
Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do and Kobudo Boulder, Colorado - Goju-Ryu Karate and Kobudo club.
Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Information - Information on techniques, methodology and history of various karate and kobudo styles.
Redwood Lodge Junior Goju-Ryu Karate Club. - Daigaku Karate-Kai style, includes training information, history and techniques.
Seigokan Karate Do SF Bay Area - The USA sister school of Seigokan All Japan Karate Do providing classes in the San Francisco bay area for more than 20 years. Includes history, curriculum, contact details, locations, class times with a terminology glossary.
Shorei-kan Canada - Master Seikichi Toguchi founder of Shorei-Kan karate was a senior student of Master Chojun Miyagi.
Singaporian Zen Shin Ren Karate Do Goju Kai - 6th dan chief instructor Shi Han Hui Yew Kok contact details and karate history.
Sodokan Goju Ryu - Mike Clark's blend of Okinawan and Japanese styles taught at the West End karate school in Southampton, England. Includes location, class times, syllabus, philosophy, history and comprehensive coverage of advanced kata.
Southeastern Seibukai Karate and Kobudo School - Sensei Mathew Henderson continue to preserve the Seibukai lineage as taught my Nakasone Kinei Sensei.
Swan Hills Goju Kai - A Gogen Yamaguchi style school providing karate lessons for children and adults at three dojos in the Mundaring area east of Perth, Western Australia. Includes contact information, dojo locations and class times.
Taifu Karate and Kobudo - Traditional Okinawan style school in East Sussex, England. Includes class location and training times with a good glossary of terminology for both Karate and Kobudo.
The Brandon Kansley School of Karate - A Goju-Kai school in Mowbray, South Africa. Includes a brief background on karate, dojo address and contact information.
Toronto Karate - Ken Jacobs traditional school of Okinawan style Goju karate in Toronto, Canada. Includes information on the instructors, kata meaning and competition, Kingsview dojo location and contact email address.
United Goju Kan Karate - An independent organization with e-mail information for contacts in Australia, Hawaii and New Zealand. Includes some history, philisophy and terminology about the associated style. A photo showing Gogen Yamaguchi in the background indicates the Goju Kai style of Karate.
United Kingdom Karate Do Goju Kai - A Seiwa Kai organization affiliated with the Japan Karate Federation (JKF). The site includes email address of head instructor Gurmit Singh, training tips, history, lineage and newsletters.
United States of America Goju Federation. - Goju Federation Karate in Cooper City Florida.
Victoria Shoreikan - Representative school for this Okinawan style in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Includes lineage details, training curriculum and philosophy. Further information is available via email contact.
Yuishinkan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do - Goju-Ryu Karate-Do style of Yuishinkan

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