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Breslov Center for Spirituality and Inner Growth - Features instruction in Hisbodedus -- Rabbi Nachman's path of meditation and secluded prayer, announcements of classes and events in the greater New York area, links and connections to Breslov resources all over the world, translations, essays, tapes, community notices and Chassidic music.
BreslovJudaism with Heart - This site is meant to serve as introduction to the teachings of the chassidic master Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810).The Message of Breslov Chassidus is one of Simcha-Happiness, Simple prayer, Faith in G-d, Finding the Tzaddik-Mashiach. Discovering the good points in yourself and others, and Finding how to serve G-d with every aspect of your being: Your mind, Your talents, Your emotions.
Cherub Press - Academic Publisher of Studies and Editions of Jewish Mystical Literature - Books in Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism. -- Publisher of "Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Literature
Classic Texts of Chabad Chassidic Philosophy - Discourses dealing with various spiritual issues, from the Rebbes of the intellectual branch of the Jewish mystical movement, known as Chabad Chassidus.
Fiftieth Gate Publications and Seminars - "...dedicated to disseminating the inner dimensions of the Torah through publications, lectures and seminars." Rabbi Moshe Miller is preparing and publishing a translation of the Zohar.
Gematriya -- new meaning in the Torah - Substitution of numerical values for letters yields rich interpretation of Torah texts. Presented in lively, colorful, and eclectic New Orthodox setting.
Hebrew Book of the Dead -- The Hidden Book in the Bible - The Hebrew Book of the Dead is a literal translation of Ancient Hebrew Scripture that uncovers Qabbalistic voyage of a soul after death.
Jewish Magazine - Monthly independent Jewish resource guide with articles on Israel, Zionism and Jewish mysticism.
Jewish Mysticism - Kabbalah presented through topics and responses from the basic texts with quotations from three contemporary writers.
Jewish Mysticism in Talmudic Era: Outline - Eleazar Segal's course outline of the vision of the Chariot(Maaseh Merkavah)found in Ezekiel and Isaiah with talmudic commentary.
Kabalah Series - Lessons in Hisbonenus - exposition of the specific methodology used in Chabad chassidic meditation.
Kabalah-Online's Home Page - Rabbi Yossi Markel explains Kabbalah from a Chassidic perspective
Kaballah and Jewish Meditation - The website of Rabbi Ariel Bar Zadok offers in-depth teachings in the Kaballah and Jewish meditation
Kabbala - Subscription to Kabala words of wisdom.
Kabbalah Awareness - A site dedicated to promoting awareness of the Jewish mystical tradition.
Kabbalah Links - Various links on this subject.
Kabbalah and Beyond - Chabad Chasidism - a new age of Jewish Mysticism. Explore Ancient Judaism - Secret Torah Wisdom - about Faith, Soul, Religion, Meditation, Prayer, Compassion, Charity and Kindness...
Kabbalah and Chassidut: Gateway to the Inner Dimension of Jewish Mysticism from Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh - Introductions to Kabbalah and Chassidut, Basics in Kabbalah and Chassidut, Topics in Jewish Mystical Thought, Kabbalah and Modern Times, Hebrew Letters, Hebrew Numerology, Chassidic Melododies
Kabbalah for Simpletons - Introductory articles to Kabbalah and Astrology by Rabbi Max Weiman of Aish HaTorah, St Louis.
Laibl Wolf's Website - Kabbalah-based meditation, as taught by Laibl Wolf, founder and director of the Human Development Institute; includes books,lecture tapes and schedule of seminars.

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