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Socialist Workers Organization (US) - Led by Carole Seligman, Nat Weinstein and Sylvia Weinstein. Broke away from Socialist Action in 2001. Publishes "Socialist Viewpoint."
Solidarity (U.S.) - The group is a far left, "multi-tendency" organization that includes the International Socialists (U.S) (who come from a left-Schactmanite tradition) as well as orthodox Trotskyists elements in sympathy with the United Secretariat (USFI). Solidarity is largely oriented towards the trade union movement and its members publish Against the Current magazine and Labor Notes.
The Connolly Association - This organization was formed in 1938 and is inspired by the ideas of Irish socialist leader and republican James Connolly.
The League of Revolutionaries for a New America - Site includes news from "People's Tribune", real audio of talks, League documents and other information.
The Radical Thinkers League (U.S. primarily) - The RTL is an anti-racist, anti-nazi, broad leftist group that includes socialists, anarchists and others on the left.
Trotskyist League/US - This group is based in Detroit and is part of the International Trotskyist Opposition (ITO). The T.L. identifies itself as a left tendency of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International (USFI) and is active in the Labor Party (U.S.)
We Are Trotskyists And We Know How To Rap (original) - The original, and more amusing, webpage from the Generic Trotskyist League.Includes a great stream-of-consciousness rant about the far left.
What you should know about the ISO - Collection of articles critical of the International Socialist Organization (US) and the Socialist Workers Party (UK) including John Lancy's "The Joy of Sects." Site has an anarchist perspective.
Workers Action (Britain) - Unofficial site for the group which is close to the Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency.
Workers Democracy Network - Unites workers around common interests to battle for business unionism and fight for democracy.
Workers World online - Under the leadership of Sam Marcy, this group split from the Socialist Workers Party (US) in the late 1950s over the latter's condemnation of the Soviet invasion of Hungary. The website includes a news service and various writings by Marcy.
Workers' Liberty Australia - Marxist group which is in political solidarity with the Alliance for Workers' Liberty in Britain.
World Socialist Network - An internet based group.

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