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Potentials Unlimited - Apositude - Self hypnosis/subliminal tapes. 160 titles, over 12 million sold worldwide.
PowerTapes - Information about these tools that help to lose weight, feel great and end depression and stress.
Psychodynamics - Sales of self help and self improvement cassettes using subliminal techniques.
Relaxation Therapist - Relaxation techniques. Erotic music for relaxation, love, pleasure. Series of tapes to eliminate depression and stress to improve sex life.
Ronald B Harris Hypnotherapist - Personalised hypnotherapy CDs and tapes using the Harris Method for treatment of addictions and phobias, including stopping smoking, losing weight, or overcoming fear of flying.
SMART - Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques - Hypnotic and subliminal-message tapes by Dr. Jayne Helle on many facets of weight loss, smoking and addiction cessation, and stress management.
Self Hypnosis Audios - Audios, CDroms and cassettes on hypnosis training, hypnotherapy, imagery conditioning. Improve self image, self confidence, habits and other dysfunctions.
Self-Help Solutions - Dr. Yarnell produced this tape to help adolescents through adults to concentrate, learn easier, remember better and take tests with ease.
Self-Improvement Through Self-Hypnosis - Let mind programming improve your life using self-hypnosis, stop smoking, lose weight, improve relationships, banish fears, improve memory, and more.
Smart Themes - Creators of stress management and relaxation CDs and a unique infant CD with accompanying baby gift items.
Southern Delta Hypnosis Clinic - Stop smoking in 90 minutes. Lose weight permanently. No will power, no withdrawals. Control pain. Tapes available for purchase via mail order.
Starlight Subliminals - Offers customized subliminal assisting in career, relationships, sexuality, health, meditation and personal development.
Stop Smoking - Listening to this tape and eliminating the smoking habit is one of the single most important things you can do to improve the quality and quantity of your life.
Stress - Learn more about stress by taking a free stress profile. Information about corresponding therapy tapes available to help you reduce stress and achieve goals in 10 areas of life.
Subconscious Unlimited - Rediscovering the real you through hypnosis, a non-evasive technique to assist in your self-empowerment. Uncover unused strengths within you, especially effective for transforming body image and weight management and other issues.
Subliminal Tapes - Increase memory, sex power, break habits, stop addictions, self esteem, overcome fears, overcome fear of intimacy. Personalized tapes also available.
Subliminal Tapes - Increase memory, sex power, break habits, stop addictions, self esteem, overcome fears, overcome fear of intimacy. Personalized tapes also available.
SubliminalTech - Subliminal messages and tapes for self improvement.
Success World Tapes - Use subliminal messages to help you quit smoking, lose weight, relax, gain confidence and become the person you want to be.
SuperStar Audio Tapes - Sales training telemarketing audio tapes create sales SuperStars selling skills relationship sales NLP advanced sales training techniques.

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