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Equation Viewer for MATLAB - [commercial] Equations in the workspace are automatically translated to a pretty print form and displayed on a special figure.
Evolutionary Algorithms for MATLAB - A list of available toolboxes for genetic algorithms and genetic programming.
FEMLAB - Multiphysics in MATLAB - [commercial] A powerful interactive environment for modeling and solving scientific and engineering problems involving partial differential equations.
Factor Analysis Toolbox - The Factor Analysis Toolbox provides a family of specialized MATLAB functions for factor analysis techniques. It is designed to help you learn the principles of target factor analysis and to provide the capabilities necessary for tackling real research and modelling problems.
FastICA for MATLAB - Implements the fast fixed-point algorithm for independent component analysis and projection pursuit.
Flight Dynamics and Control Toolbox - Matlab/Simulink toolbox for flight simulation, flight dynamics research, and flight control system design. Free downloads of the toolbox and user-manual, including extensive background information.
GABLE: A MATLAB Geometric Algebra Tutorial - A tutorial for learning Geometric Algebra, aimed at the sophomore college level.
GROLAB - A MATLAB GUI for easy interactive Ray Tracing in 2-D.
Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox - GEATbx is a comprehensive implementation of evolutionary algorithms in Matlab. A broad range of operators is fully integrated into one environment.
Global Optimization by Multilevel Coordinate Search - MCS is a MATLAB program for bound constrained global optimization using function values only, based on a multilevel coordinate search that balances global and local search.
Gradient Vector Flow for MATLAB - A variation on active contours, computer-generated curves that move within images to find object boundaries.
Growing Cell Structure Visualisation Toolbox - [free]
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Toolbox
Integral equations solver. - [free] Functions for solving Volterra and Fredgolm integral equations numerically.
JMatLink - Connects Java and MATLAB. Native methods make it possible to use MATLAB's computational engine inside your own java applications, applets and servlets. [Freeware, source available]
KFtools for MATLAB - Some simple, fast image processing functions for MATLAB.
Kriging Toolbox - Matlab based toolbox written by Caroline Lafleur and Yves Gratton, INRS-Oceanologie, Universite du Quebec Rimouski.
LOBPCG Method - Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient.
MATLAB - MATLAB is an integrated technical computing environment that combines numeric computation, graphics and visualization, and a high-level programming language.
MATLAB Educational Web Sites - A large index of related sites.

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