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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Bill Martin -- Open Problems - Some Open Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics
Gordon Royle's Open Questions - Colouring, algebraic graph theory, geometries.
Graph Coloring Problems - Archive for the book "Graph Coloring Problems" by Tommy R. Jensen and Bjarne Toft (Wiley Interscience 1995), dedicated to Paul Erdös. Gives progress and new problems.
Graph Theory Open Problems - Six problems suitable for undergraduate research projects.
Open Problems - In topological graph theory.
Open Problems in Discrete Math - Compiled by Matt de Vos.
Open Problems in Graph Algorithms - Compiled by Jerry Spinrad.
Open Problems on Graph Minors - By Nathaniel Dean.
Past Open Problems Columns - By Douglas B. West, from the SIAM Activity Group Newsletter in Discrete Mathematics.
Perfect Problems - Unsolved problems on perfect graphs.
Problems in Graph Theory - Maintained by Peter Cameron.
Problems in Signed, Gain, and Biased Graphs - Compiled by Thomas Zaslavsky
Problems in Topological Graph Theory - Compiled by Dan Archdeacon
Snake-in-the-box Problem - Current status, with bibliography.
Some Open Problems - Kézdy's open problems
Some Open Problems - Kézdy's open problems
Some Open Problems in Graph Theory - Open Problems involving Steiner distance.
Three for the Money: The Degree/Diameter Problem - Students can understand and work on an unsolved problem in mathematics.
Unsolved Mathematics Problems - Math Soft collection of unsolved problems, by S. Finch
Unsolved Problems - Unsolved Problems (including the list of 50 problems of Bondy and Murty with current status)
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