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A Dispersion Model for Coastal Zones and Complex Terrain - A description of the research program in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Hong Kong that led to the development of a comprehensive air dispersion model for use in coastal zones and complex terrain such as exists in the Hong Kong area.
AIRWARE software - Model-based information and decision support system for air quality assessment and management, supporting the implementation of European and national environmental legislation.
ARIA Technologies - A French firm of environmental consultants and developers of air dispersion modeling software ranging from small-scale local models to industrial models to regional models.
ATM-PRO - A distributor of air dispersion modeling and other environmental software located in Nivelles,Belgium.
Adair Geneva Project - The APPH Module (Air Pollution and Public Health) integrates three different models in the Aidair Geneva system. The system was developed in Switzerland to draw maps of air pollution emissions from point sources (power plants, industries) and/or area sources (automotive traffic). The three dispersion models used are: a Gaussian model; a Lagrangian model; and a statistic model.
Air Dispersion Modeling, Inc. - A firm in Oakton, Virginia selling a line of air pollution dispersion modeling software that includes: ISC View, RMP View, SCREEN View, SLAB View and SLAB View 3D ... all of which are U.S. EPA models adapted for use with Windows by Lakes Environmental.
Aircraft Exhaust Plume Model - The model PARANOX (PArametrization of Aircraft emitted NOX) was developed by the Netherlands Meteorological Institute to describe the chemical processes and dispersion of an aircraft exhaust plume at cruising altitudes.
BEE-Line Software - BEE-Line Software is located in Asheville, North Carolina, USA and markets air dispersion modeling software with training and technical support. They specialize in creating user-intuitive versions of EPA air dispersion models for application in the Windows environment.
BREEZE Software and Meteorological Data Services - BREEZE markets the software developed by Trinity Consultants of Dallas, Texas, USA. They offer air quality modeling software, meteorological data, training and support. Among the software packages offered are those based on the US EPA's ISC and AERMOD suites. Software for continuous releases, accidental toxic and flammable chemical releases, and explosion safety is available.
CAMEO - Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operation (CAMEO) is a software package developed by NOAA (U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), for planning responses to chemical accidents. Includes the ALOHA (Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres) dispersion model for neutrally buoyant or heavier-than-air gases.
Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants - Scientific consultants in the field of atmospheric dispersion located in Cambridge, England.. They offer a range of air dispersion models including: ADMS 3 for dispersion of industrial emissions; ADMS-SCREEN for initial screening studies of emission dispersion; and GASTAR for dispersion of accidental dense gas releases.
EXSIM - A mathematical model that predicts the overpressure (explosion) generated by the accidental release and ignition of a gas cloud in a congested area of an industrial plant onshore, or offshore on oil drilling platforms. The model was developed by Shell Oil Global Solutions and by the Telemark Technological R&D Center (Tel-Tek) in Norway.
Engineering Technology, Inc. - A research and development firm based in Orlando, Florida, USA and that has developed the TDR dispersion model (Transport, Diffusion, and Radiance) using Gaussian plume and puff methodology to model the transport and dispersion of single or multiple atmospheric releases in a variety of environmental conditions and complex terrain features.
EnviroModeling Ltd. - EnviroModeling Ltd. is based in Santiago, Chile and provides visual software for meteorological and air quality needs: CalDESK - display and analysis software for the CALPUFF modeling system, and CAMxDESK - graphical analysis software for the CAMx photochemical model.
Federal Aviation Administration's Dispersion Modeling Program - Discusses the EDMS (Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System) developed by the U.S.'s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and how to order copies.
HGSYSTEM - HGSYSTEM is a suite of programs for assessing the dispersion of vapor from gas, liquid or two-phase releases. HGSYSTEM was first developed to model the release of Hydrogen Fluoride and ideal gases, and then extended to include multicomponent mixtures. The original development work was led by Shell Research Ltd. as part of a consortium of 20 petroleum and chemical companies.
Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) - HPAC models the release to and transport of materials in the atmosphere and its impact on civilian and military populations. Contains weather interface, supporting infrastructure and probabilistic solutions (i.e., "How good is the prediction"). Licensing from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency is available for non-commercial usage.
ImmProg2000 Dispersion Models - A set of dispersion models developed by AirInfo Gmbh, Switzerland to meet the recommendations of the Swiss and German meteorological services. All of the models are Gaussian and they include: a point-source model; a line-source model for vehicles on roads in open terrain and in city street canyons; and an odor dispersion model.
KOVERS - Developed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (more commonly known as ETHZ), KOVERS is an Integrated Decision Support System (IDSS) software program. One of its applications is in the investigation and/or evaluation of chemical or nuclear accidents. KOVERS includes a module for air dispersion modeling in complex terrain.
Lakes Environmental - Located in Ontario, Canada, this firm provides easy-to-use air dispersion and risk assessment modeling software for Windows. Their air pollution dispersion modeling software includes: ISC-AERMOD View, RMP View, SCREEN View, and SLAB View, all of which are U.S. EPA models adapted for use with Windows. Training and technical support are also provided.

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