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Behavior and the General Evolutionary Process - Paper by William Baum.
Behavioral inferences from the Skhul/Qafzeh early modern human hand remains - These results support the inference of significant behavioral differences between Neanderthals and the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids and indicate that a significant shift in human manipulative behaviors was associated with the earliest stages of the emergence of modern humans.
Behavioural economics - Richard Thaler has led a revolution in the study of economics by understanding the strange ways people behave with their money.
Boundary disputes - The brain still resists researchers' attempts to divide it into neat parcels.
Brain Terrain - Mapping the functions of various areas.
Brain and mouth disease - Lionel Tiger investigates diet and longevity.
Building a Brainier Mouse - By genetically engineering a smarter than average mouse, scientists have assembled some of the central molecular components of learning and memory.
Chance and necessity - Although simple filamentous and spherical forms may evolve wherever cellular life exists, the evolution of motile, modular mega-organisms might not be a universal pattern.
Chance would be a fine thing - A long-dead clergyman enters the race to make computers think for themselves.
Chimps touched by television - Chimpanzees are moved by fearful or appealing television scenes.
Cognitive science: The logic of human learning - There is a formal measure of complexity that determines how natural a category is and how difficult it is to learn.
Cultural psychology meets evolutionary psychology - Paper presented at the 8th conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP), April 25-28, 2000, Sydney.
Cultural revolution in whale songs - The song patterns of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) depend on where they live, with populations inhabiting different ocean basins normally singing quite distinct songs. Here we record a unique and radical song change in the song of humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean off the Australian east coast.
Darwin and the Genre of Biography - Published in G. Levine, ed., 'One Culture: Essays in Science and Literature'. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987, pp. 203-24.
Darwin on the Evolution of Morality - Paper presented for the session on the 19th century biology, International Fellows Conference (Center for Philosophy of Science, Univ. of Pittsburgh), May 20-24, Castiglioncello, Italy by Soshichi Uchii, Kyoto University.
Darwin's Metaphor and the Philosophy of Science - This was first presented to the Piaget Seminar, University of Geneva, about 1986 and published in Science as Culture (no. 16) 3: 375-403, 1993. It draws out the philosophical implications of 'Darwin's Metaphor' (Cambridge, 1985), in particular, the role of metaphorical and teleological language in Darwin.
Darwin's darling - A profile of Helena Cronin.
Darwin, Marx, Freud and the Foundations of the Human Sciences - This is a talk on the grand view of the human sciences, presented to CHEIRON, the European Society for the History of the Behavioural Sciences and reprinted in its Newsletter, Spring 1988, pp. 7-12.
Darwin: Man and Metaphor - This is the text of a television documentary in the series 'Late Great Victorians', BBC1, 1988. It was also published in Science as Culture no. 5: 71-86, 1989.
Darwinism and the Division of Labour - The founding conference of the British Society for the Social Responsibility in Science in November 1970, was on the theme, 'The Social Impact of Modern Biology'. The conference was attended by a number of eminent scientists, e.g., Nobel Laureates James Watson, Jaques Monod, Maurice Wilkins; David Bohm, Jacob Bronowski, R.G. Edwards (of Steptoe & Edwards, the pioneers of 'test-tube babies'), as well as some radicals, Hilary & Steven Rose, John Beckwith. It was, perhaps, the last moment when radicals and posh scientists were relatively united. The talk was published in The Listener, 17 August 1972, pp. 202-5 and in Science as Culture no. 9: 110-24, 1990.

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