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National Fathers Network - The National Fathers Network (NFN) advocates for and provides resources and support to all men who have children with special needs through: Development of national and statewide databases of fathers from diverse ethnic, racial, and geographic backgrounds; Development of father support and mentoring programs; Development of curriculum (monographs and videos) designed to enhance the involvement of fathers in the home and service provision (i.e., health care settings, schools);
National Institute of Mental Health - The public section offers information from NIMH about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses. Included are brochures and information sheets, reports, press releases, fact sheets, and other educational materials.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders - Conducts, fosters, coordinates, and guides research on the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disorders and stroke, and supports basic research in related scientific areas.
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders - The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). We are part of the U.S. Government, under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Provides comprehensive information on all areas of deafness and other communication disorders.
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped - A free national library program of braille and recorded materials for blind and physically handicapped persons is administered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of Congress. Under a special provision of the U.S. copyright law and with the permission of authors and publishers of works not covered by the provision, NLS selects and produces full-length books and magazines in braille and recorded formats.
National Mental Health Association - Dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illnesses through advocacy, education, research and service. News, event calendar, position statements, history, mental health facts, donation information.
National Organization on Disability - Promotes full and equal participation of America's 54 million men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life.
National PTA - National PTA is the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the United States. A not-for-profit association of parents, educators, students, and other citizens active in their schools and communities, PTA is a leader in reminding our nation of its obligations to children. Good resources on disabilities.
National Parent Network on Disabilities - NPND is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering parents. NPND has the unique capability to provide it's members with the most up-to-date information on the activities of all three branches of government that impact individuals with disabilities and their families.
National Spinal Cord Injury Association - The NSCIA has many chapters throughout the United States. Members work with local and national officials and agencies to develop better programs and services and act as community advocates for improved access, housing, transportation, employment, and leisure time activities for disabled people. Peer support and other services are also provided. These are fundamental aspects of living that 500,000 people with spinal cord injuries or diseases must cope with after they have been rehabilitated and have returned to community life.
National Sports Center for the Disabled - The National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD), is an innovative non-profit organization that provides recreation for children and adults with disabilities.
National Transition Alliance for Youth with Disabilities - The National Transition Alliance for Youth with Disabilities (NTA) was jointly funded in October 1995 by the United States Department of Education and United States Department of Labor to promote the transition of youth with disabilities toward desired postschool experiences, including gainful employment, postsecondary education and training, and independent living.
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities Association - The NLDA promotes education, support, and advocacy for people with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, and for professionals and family members.
Obsessive Compulsive Foundation - The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation providing vital support to educate the public and professional communities about OCD and related disorders; to provide assistance to individuals with OCD and related disorders, their family and friends; and to fund research into the causes and effective treatments of OCD and related disorders.
On A Roll Talk Radio - This site offer a link to a radio talk show devoted to individuals with special needs. Other resources are available. You will need RealPlayer to listen to the broadcasts. You can download a free copy of RealPlayer from the On A Roll Talk Radio site.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation - Supports and encourages medical research, educates the public, and disseminates information to patients, their families, and medical professionals
Our-Kids - Our-Kids is a "Family" of parents, caregivers and others who are working with children with physical and/or mental disabilities and delays. We call the list "Our-Kids". While it isn't exactingly descriptive, it avoids the pitfalls of labeling our kids anything but what they most certainly are: The wonderful little people in our lives.
PUSH America - PUSH America is the national outreach project of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Because of our commitment to brotherhood, we provide leadership opportunities, services and education to promote a greater understanding of persons who have developmental disabilities.
ParentPals - Parent Pals is sponsored by Ameri-Corp Speech and Hearing. Our goal is to provide special education and gifted information, continuing education, support, weekly tips, games, book resources, and news and views for parents and professionals. Therapists, audiologists, teachers, nurses and physicians contribute information on the following subjects: ADHD, autism, deaf and hard of hearing, emotionally disturbed, homeschooling, gifted, learning disabilities, mental retardation, orthopedically impaired, otherwise health impaired, severe and/or multiple disabilities, speech and language impairment, stuttering, traumatic brain injury and, visually impaired.
Parents Advocacy for Special Education - Works to ensure that children with special needs receive the best education possible.

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