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A Home in Cyberspace - As frequent relocation becomes a fact of life in the new economy, a reflection on the consolations of online neighborhoods. [Wired News]
A Netizen's Swan Song - Jon Katz bids HotWired farewell -- praising freedom, interactivity, and his fellow geeks. [Wired News]
A Restricted Revolution? - The Net's big moral issue isn't porn, says Katz -- it's the black/white access gap. [Wired News]
Absinthe Devotees: The Green Fog - While revivalists of the outlawed liquor take their inspiration from 19th century artistic ne'er do-wells, they gather their resources on the Web. [Wired News]
An Online Moral Dilemma - Should online support groups enjoy the sanctity of the confessional booth? Readers give Jon Katz an earful. [Wired News]
Another Woman, Another Book - Sign Off is having an afterlife that's far more interesting than its life ever was. [Wired News]
Art Imitates Life - Primary Colors isn't about sex, says Katz, but idealism - and how DC politics kills it. [Wired News]
Believe It or Not - People who believe that information is corrupt turn out to be about half-right; the corruption is real, but it's a little closer to home than we might wish to understand. [Wired News]
Bolts of Volts - Most people have seen Tesla coils -- two poles with a bolt of electricity crackling up the space between them -- in science fiction films. Coilers are the dedicated tinkerers that build their own. [Wired News]
Bondage - Moguls are now discussing the possibility of Bond taking a page out of the heralded Alien series and treating each film as an opportunity for an auteur to make his mark. [Wired News]
Can You Name the Real Scandal? - Starting with a bang, Brill's Content hits the corrupt media right between the eyes. [Wired News]
Cheap Flights to the Future - A startup's patent may transform the balance of power between vendors and consumers, says Katz. [Wired News]
Cooking Up Media Madness - DC press and the libidinous president, plus sleazy politicians: A pretty smelly brew, says Katz. But there is an antidote. [Wired News]
DIY Veggie Libel - After considering how to support Oprah in her mad-cow fight for free speech, Jon Katz scapegoats the innocent yam. [Wired News]
Defining Geekdom, Part I - Brainy, grumpy, wary, obsessive: Jon Katz recounts the rise of the geek. [Wired News]
Defining Geekdom, Part II - Modern-day geeks share two obsessions, says Katz: new tech and pop culture. [Wired News]
Defining Geekdom, Part III - As geeks and suits vie for world domination, Katz's money's on the geeks. [Wired News]
Electric Hotrods - AC or DC, these car enthusiasts believe that their vehicles are the way of the future. [Wired News]
Freedom from the Press - The press will pay a price for shoving the Lewinsky tale down our throats, says Katz. [Wired News]
Fun with Dead People - All sorts of businesses - from mainstream mags to the pushers of kitsch commemoratives - rake in the bucks when celebrities die. Alongside the memory-mongers, though, a blackly humorous subculture thrives: Dead pools. [Wired News]

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