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Y2K: We're All in This Together - A ripple of community activism may reverse the tide of ignorance, denial, and sensationalism about the millennium bug. Declan McCullagh reports from Washington. [Wired News]
Y2Kaboom? - If either the Americans or the Russians fail to solve the millennium bug problems associated with their nuclear weapons arsenals, it could be a dark, cold winter. Declan McCullagh reports from Washington. [Wired News]
Yahoo Yanks Investor Gossip - A Canadian company has been granted a dozen court orders demanding that ISPs hand over the names of those who posted inflammatory comments online about the firm in an investor forum. By Christine Whalen. [Wired News]
You Call This Self-Regulation? - Former FTC Commissioner Christine Varney warns that the market isn't doing much to protect consumer privacy -- and the alternative is government action. [Wired News]
You Will Do Windows - A Sun Microsystems engineer testifies that Microsoft might as well have been brandishing a knife when demanding that Java include Windows-specific features. Declan McCullagh reports from Washington. [Wired News]
You've Got War - Islamic proponents of holy war find the Net a handy place to defend their ideology and troll for new adherents to the cause. By Arik Hesseldahl. [Wired News]
Your Vacation Plans For Sale? - Major airlines and the nation's largest flight reservation system will begin collecting private consumer data -- including travel itineraries and passenger contact information -- raising fears that the data could wind up in the hands of direct marketers. By Michael Stutz. [Wired News]
Zeroing in on Valley Clout - Senator Conrad Burns, in Silicon Valley to rub shoulders with the captains of high tech, sees no end to the US battle over crypto policy but lauds the news that the FBI will talk to the industry about the issues. By Spencer E. Ante. [Wired News]

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