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whatUseek Directory Site Listings: Thinking Different - How do you get the kids of today to be loyal to their parents' brand of jeans? The launch of the new company Web site will try to recraft the company image, with modern attitude and streaming documentary videos. [Wired News]
Like A Streaming Stone - RealNetworks and Rolling Stone team up to launch their own Web radio station. It's cool, it's e-commercial, it's a music marketer's dream. By Steve Silberman. [Wired News]
Like a Hole in the Head - Couch potatoes beware: That new HDTV set may cost you considerably more than the number on the price tag. And your cabinetmaker doesn't mind a bit. By Joe Nickell. [Wired News]
Little Green Burning Men - The Burning Man Festival, which this year celebrates "The Great Above, Aliens, and the Space Age," is fast becoming the largest alternative arts festival in the world. By Niall McKay. [Wired News]
Little People, Big Ideas - Young people from a global online conference tackle the world's technology, cultural, and education problems at an MIT-sponsored event. By Joe Nickell. [Wired News]
LiveJam Picks Up the World Beat - Musicians around the world looking to jam need not venture out of their studios, as long as they speak MIDI and have a modem. By John Alderman. [Wired News]
Lone Star Filmmaker's Digital Liberation - Once convinced of the inherent superiority of film, Randy Cole had to reconsider other possibilities during the making of his nightmarish feature-length movie Flush. [Wired News]
Looking South to the Future - A group of San Francisco artists uses psychoanalytic technique, satire, and anonymity to spark thought -- if not discussion -- about interpersonal and personal-techno relationships. By Jennifer Hattam. [Wired News]
Love: Japanese Style - The Tamagotchi people are back with a toy that has Tokyo teens beeping and flashing one another: Lovegety, the high-poptech date finder. By Yukari Iwatani. [Wired News]
Low-Tech Performers Ask High-Tech Questions - In Berlin, a group of artists gathered for a festival intended to raise questions about their place in a world dominated by computers. [Wired News]
Lycos to Planet: Save Yourself - Content-hungry Lycos bailed on an agreement with eco-aware EnviroLink, citing flaccid hit counts, but a webzine for motor-sports fans is claiming credit for the disconnect. By Steve Silberman. [Wired News]
MS Trumpets Books 2.0 - Microsoft tech VP Dick Brass announces an initiative to create a standard format for the publication and distribution of electronic books. By Steve Silberman. [Wired News]
MSN Moves From Content to Access - Having figured out that it is better at technology than content, Microsoft discontinued the remainder of its unique MSN shows today. [Wired News]
MTV Cries 'Hacked!' - But it was a fake. MTV staged a phony hack to promote a new personality, and the real hackers are not amused. By Arik Hesseldahl. [Wired News]
Macromedia Debuts Showcase Entertainment Site - To promote its animation plug-ins, Macromedia launched the showcase site ShockRave, entering the online entertainment fray. [Wired News]
Making Antz No Picnic - The latest Dreamworks release comes in ahead of schedule, under budget, and with new tech behind it to boot. But it wasn't easy. By Judy DeMocker. [Wired News]
Mannerist American Auteurs - The art houses can have Hal Hartley and Whit Stillman. Their collective canon of films have a irritating quality that borders on cinematic terrorism. Courtesy of [Wired News]
Mapping Anarchy on Usenet - A UCLA grad student has created an innovative program to bring the chaos of the newsgroups into focus. [Wired News]
Mark Willes: Cereal Killer - Suck sardonically salutes the Los Angeles Times' publisher and his role in sinking Times/Mirror's flagship publication. Courtesy of [Wired News]
Marketing Fiesta in Czech Republic - The former Soviet bloc nation's domestic car company, Skoda, is steamed by a Ford plan to market a popular model by leveraging a bit of Cold War idiom. By Joe Nickell. [Wired News]

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