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Netscape Globetrots en Español - In the midst of a global expansion by most of the portal sites, Netscape signs a deal with the big Latin American network StarMedia to give Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking visitors their own Net guides on Netcenter. By Randolph Court. [Wired News]
Netscape Layoffs Begin - As many as 400 people are expected to be cut from the payrolls, as the original Internet company cuts staff for the first time in its history. [Wired News]
Netscape Portals with Excite - The browser company picked a partner to help bolster its Netcenter Web site and agreed to share the profits to boot. [Wired News]
Netscape Rung by New Year's Loss - The original Internet company blamed Microsoft and other competitors for sagging sales of browsers - and a flop in the enterprise market it boasted about attacking last spring. [Wired News]
Netscape Taps Qwest's Fat Pipe - An alliance between the portal player and the upstart phone carrier will offer consumers and businesses a single place space on the Web to collect voicemail, email, and faxes. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Netscape Wants to Play Yahoo's Game - The software-maker announced an email service for its Netcenter and promises a slew of new features soon as it strives to become 'the major portal service.' [Wired News]
Netscape's Ecommerce Campaign - The company lets loose with a slew of announcements that underscore its new enterprise software strategy. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Netscape, Citibank Ink Deal - The banking behemoth licenses the software firm's ecommerce applications as part of a bid to accelerate its online business. Since the companies declined to discuss financial terms, though, analysts are restrained in their enthusiasm. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Netscape, Intel Put On Red Hat - Red Hat, a tiny distributor of the Linux operating system, gets backing from two companies on a growing list that want someone, anyone, to blunt Windows' market power. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Netscape: 'Massively' Into Media - Is it too late to beat Yahoo? Maybe not, observers say, as the software-maker sharpens its focus on competing with some of its old buddies. [Wired News]
Network Solutions Backs Centraal - The world's biggest domain-name registrar plays sugar daddy to a small company pitching an alternative to URLs. By Chris Stamper. [Wired News]
Network Solutions Chief Resigns - Gabriel Battista says he's off to pursue a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," leaving the Internet name registrar in the lurch. By R. Scott Raynovich. [Wired News]
Network Solutions Europe-Bound - The company that holds the monopoly over Internet domain name registrations looks across the Atlantic to sign up more .com customers -- while it still can. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Network Solutions' Brand-New Bag - As the company's monopoloy on domain-name registration runs out, it puts the finishing touches on a brand-new business plan. But can it compete in an open market? [Wired News]
Networking Gurus Plant New Seed - The founders of Cascade Communications unveil their latest venture, which aims to make optical telecom networks more efficient. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
New Century Network Won't See New Day - The combined force of nine of the country's top old-media companies failed to make the splash they expected when the Net was new, so the group has laid off 60 employees and closed up. An ad firm is picking up the pieces of whatever business is left. [Wired News]
New Characters to Join Microsoft in Court - Judge Jackson invited the Justice Department and Microsoft to bring on experts who could settle the Explorer/Windows integration issue. Tuesday, they take the stage. [Wired News]
New Economy: China, Big Time - Don Xia's ChinaBiG appears to have an advantage any monopoly would envy: the government's blessing. But some see this blessing as decidedly mixed. [Wired News]
New Economy: Silicon Wadi - Israel's economic minister to North America, David Rubin, acts as marketing director for his country's high tech sector. Other countries should be so fortunate. [Wired News]
New Economy: The CEO as Brand - Facing rapid turnover, high-tech business leaders are entering the Brand of Me era, marketing themselves like their celebrity counterparts in music and sports. [Wired News]

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