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Radio Networks Signal a Wireless Internet - Simson Garfinkel says RAM and ARDIS networks are a nice start, but there's work to do. [Wired News]
Radio Telescopes: Astronomy's Next Big Wave - Astronomers in New Mexico are using radio telescopes to get images from black holes and quasars that optical telescopes aren't able to deliver. They did it by lofting an antenna into space. [Wired News]
Rambus Helps Memory Catch Up to Processors - Faster microprocessors trip up poky chips. Newly public Rambus is hoping to close this gap with its new protocol. [Wired News]
RedButton Lets Anyone Be Everyone - A security hole in Windows NT grants even password-challenged users network access. [Wired News]
RedOwl Lets Human Net Monitors Rest Easier - A new service for watching over servers fills a void and may enhance the Net's reliability. [Wired News]
Reload, Redraw, Repeat - Redundant ad banners are a waste of time and bandwidth, but the solution requires an unlikely truce between the browser companies. [Wired News]
Remove IE? Do We Have the Technology? - The Add/Remove feature in Windows 95 will disable the browser without major fallout. Microsoft admits that much, but says that's not what the Justice Department and Judge Jackson asked for. [Wired News]
Reporter's Notebook: Bill Live, at 8.5 Kbps - As Bill Gates entertained the Comdex masses Sunday night with glimpses of the new Web lifestyle, one "attendee" experienced the future, here and now. [Wired News]
Robot Takes the Heat for NY Utility Crews - How does Con Edison repair the problems of 19th-century steam pipes? It builds its own 21st-century solution. [Wired News]
Roche Rx: Helix Thyself - The bioscience company will evaluate the GeneChip technology developed by Affymetrix. [Wired News]
Rocket Jockey - A curious blend of '50s hot rod and 21st-century jet come together in a game as inventive as it is addictive. [Wired News]
Rockwell Claims Suit Delays Standards Process - The modem-maker is charged with misappropriating the ideas of the man 3Com credits - and pays - for the 56K technology. Rockwell's reaction is dubious to some. [Wired News]
Romanian Cracker Faced Few Obstacles - A dearth of laws governing computer crime in Eastern Europe set the stage for this weekend's Undernet attack. [Wired News]
Romanian Cracker Takes Down the Undernet - A Romanian teen cracked many of the Net's chat servers this past weekend, and also hit several ISPs, including AOL. [Wired News]
Route Locally, Send Globally - By creating a network of private, local routing stations, a Seattle company hopes to bring more reliability to messaging over the Internet. [Wired News]
S/MIME Cracked by a Screensaver - Adding to RSA's problems in getting S/MIME approved as an email encryption standard, crypto expert Bruce Schneier is giving away the program to crack it. [Wired News]
S3 Dusts off VRML, Boxes It Up for '97 - Virtual Reality Modeling Language is a case study in vaporware. But this may be the year it happens without hassle. [Wired News]
SET Coming Together Slowly But Surely - The major credit-card companies underscore the point that secure online credit-card transactions are becoming a reality. [Wired News]
SGI Pumps Up Workstations With Octane - The high-performance desktop line will deliver more of what the company does best - so long as it can sell them. [Wired News]
SIFT May Help Censorware Firms Close Ranks - A new coalition aims to bring Internet filtering software companies under an ethical umbrella. But enforcement is another matter. [Wired News]

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