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France's Day of Music and Chaos - The annual F te de la musique is an occasion for ad hoc concert hall performances, chirpy barroom gigs, suburban raps, and urban improvs. A live video stream will help keep you tuned in. [Wired News]
Frankfurt Book Fair Has Deep Roots, Techno Leanings - Martin Luther sold his writings here; now G nter Grass is being feted with a 23-CD release of The Tin Drum. Our coverage of the book world's most important gathering begins. [Wired News]
Free School Web Sites Spark Controversy - What's the value of unrequested and unofficial fill-in-the-blank sites? Some educators want to know. [Wired News]
Free Stuff! Yeah, Right. - Consumers are so flushed with purchasing zeal they can't tell the difference between opportunity and fantasy. [Wired News]
Free Web Space Awaits Schools - Family Education Network and the American School Directory are offering sites for American school districts. It's now up to parents and schools to fill them with meaningful content. [Wired News]
French Videogame History Pushes Economics - The author suggests that the Pong and Doom industry, if given a boost, could cure France's economic malaise. [Wired News]
From Files to Flotsam, Apple Bequeaths Its Past - In a nod to a common history as a shaper of Silicon Valley, Stanford University receives a huge collection of historic corporate materials and promotional doodads. [Wired News]
From a Small Screen to the Small Screen - With access to 'definitely pre-alpha' animation software, an ordinary Power Mac and a far-flung crew, the producer of Planetary Traveler pulls off the first full-length film completely made on the desktop. [Wired News]
Fujitsu's Bird Brain Hints at Future of AI - Virtual pets are cute and may perform the same function as real ones, but are they the holy grail? [Wired News]
Fuzzy Logicians Get Tech Oscar - An ILM team will receive an Oscar this Saturday for its 'fur systems solutions' - soon to appear in the Star Wars prequels. [Wired News]
Game Boy Creator Killed - Gumpei Yokoi helped transform Nintendo from a 100-year-old maker of card games into a giant of the videogame industry. [Wired News]
Game Developers Play with Hardware Types - The Video Electronics Standards Association, which tries to create standards for all the hardware behind games, is trying to work more closely with the Computer Game Developers Association. [Wired News]
GameGirlz Turns Industry On to Female Gamers - A new webzine hopes to even the score by encouraging girls to get involved in videogaming, on the screen and in the boardroom. [Wired News]
GameWorks Seattle: One Month after Launch - The "Interactive Theme Park" wants to bring videogames to adults around the world. Wired News visits the Seattle flagship after they've had time to settle in. [Wired News]
Gamers Claim AOL Is Playing Bait-and-Switch - Three popular role-playing games are being pulled, as the online service revamps its "premium" game pricing. Gamers say AOL is changing the rules unfairly and are organizing protests. [Wired News]
Gamers Eye HDTV Market - Creators of digital worlds for games adapt their skills to high-definition TV, producing digital shows with an immersive, 3-D feel. [Wired News]
Gamers Unite to Share Traffic - and Profit - A new network of quality home-grown sites hopes to pool readers and lure advertisers. [Wired News]
Gamers, Choose Your League - The Professional Gamers League and the Cyberathlete Professional League are hoping to take videogames to spectators. Also: Linked PCs form the basis of new giant gaming arcade. [Wired News]
Gaming Greats' Greatest Flops - A giant, historical list of computer game designers and their creations reveals some surprising skeletons in the pixelated closet. [Wired News]
Gang Site Helps Cops, Kids, and Sociologists - When cops want information on gang culture, they turn to Janet Hethorn's Web site. [Wired News]

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