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Design Dream Job: Student Site Goes Pro - Once a home-brewed dorm experiment, now needs a designer to create a grown-up look. [Wired News]
Design Dream Job: The Human Factor - International product-design firm IDEO is in search of a human factors designer. [Wired News]
Despite Asian Turmoil, Big Cable Projects Go Ahead - International telecommunications companies are putting some fat pipes on the Pacific floor. [Wired News]
Developer Dream Job: Making 'Things' - Out to make an alternative to multimedia tools like Director, Parable is hiring a Java developer. [Wired News]
Developers Straying from the MS Way? - Microsoft-watchers say despite its public embrace of the Internet, the company is still shackled to a piece of old thinking: Windows must be Number One. [Wired News]
Developers Warm to Apple's OS Plans - Meanwhile, CEO Gil Amelio goes out on a limb and predicts profitability by the fourth quarter. [Wired News]
Did 'Gunsmoke' Blow Holes in CNET Stock? - The Internet media company's share price plunges 20 percent. Could a secret development project have caused it? Chip Bayers reports. [Wired News]
Digital Cable Converters Readied for Rollout - While the cable industry's tech research consortium debates the standards for digital set-top boxes, the two biggest boxmakers aren't waiting around. [Wired News]
Digital City Brings into Fold - The addition of some 750,000 real-estate listings helps shift the online city guide away from the usual arts-and-entertainment fare. [Wired News]
Digital City, Sidewalk Try Opposite Strategies - One is courting relationships with local papers and broadcasters in setting up city guides, the other is acting like a predator. Guess which is which. [Wired News]
Digital Dream Job: Do Your Own Thing - The creative and technical freedom awaiting a lucky candidate at Digital's Western Research Lab will make your head whirl. [Wired News]
Digital Planet to Go Public via Direct IPO - The producer of Madeleine's Mind and other entertainment-oriented Web sites will seek financing on the Web. [Wired News]
Digital to Resell Netscape Server Products - The deal reflects a trend for Netscape to sell to small corporate clients through third parties. [Wired News]
Dilbert Invades Wall Street Journal - A leading software company is bringing the popular comic strip to the paper's staid pages - but only as a paid ad. [Wired News]
DirecTV Without a Roof of Your Own - The digital broadcast satellite service is piggybacking its way into apartments on the lines of analog TV companies, so customers don't have to deal with the dish. [Wired News]
Directory Stocks Go Nutty - Infoseek and Yahoo are up. Lycos is down. And Excite is suddenly in orbit. Hello? [Wired News]
Discounted Travel That Costs - You get what you pay for when you globe-trot on a budget, but for folks with time on their hands, an online service promises the price is right. [Wired News]
Discovery Builds Empire of Vicarious Nature - The people who brought you the Discovery Channel have big plans to cash in on simulacra of the great outdoors. [Wired News]
Discovery Dream Job: Executive Producer - Discovery Channel Online will celebrate its second anniversary - with a hire, not a party. [Wired News]
Disney Spreads IPO Dust on Starwave Execs - Michael Eisner's reputation for obsessive management meddling must have scared the Boys from Bellevue as Starwave went out of its way to assure even the uninterested that its top execs would be "retained" after Disney took control. [Wired News]

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