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Sybase struggles for direction - In his departure from Sybase, Mitchell Kertzman leaves behind a struggling company that is trying to define its role beyond the database market with a new leader at its helm. []
Symantec pulls utility from stores - Symantec is busy uninstalling its Norton Uninstall Deluxe utility from the shelves of computer shops, and software rival Network Associates is rubbing Symantec's nose in the latter's inglorious legal position. []
TCI earnings weaker than expected - The nation's largest cable operator, Telecommunications Incorporated, today reported that its combined operating cash flow for the third quarter fell 14.7 percent, weaker than most cable analysts' expectations. []
TSI to buy Software Consulting Partners - Application integration system developer TSI International Software today said it will acquire Software Consulting Partners (SCP), a certified SAP implementation partner, for an undisclosed amount. []
Tackling Y2K on the desktop - Looking to address the impact of Year 2000 problems on personal computers, utility software maker Symantec will next week begin shipping its first Y2K auditing package for the desktop. []
Tackling Y2K on the desktop - Looking to address the impact of Year 2000 problems on personal computers, utility software maker Symantec will next week begin shipping its first Y2K auditing package for the desktop. []
Take two for Notes/Domino beta - With next week's beta of the latest version of its groupware/Web server duo Notes and Domino R5 Lotus Development is managing to quiet earlier fears that the product would be delayed. []
Taking digital services to the masses - When the cable industry meets up at the Western Cable Show in Southern California this week, industry insiders will be looking to answer one question: how to take interactive digital services to the masses. []
Taking tips from smart card trial - Sponsors of the largest U.S. smart card trial say they learned valuable lessons about technology and usage patterns from the Manhattan trial, even though it wasn't a huge hit with either consumers or merchants. []
Tech loses policy leaders - For high-tech lobbyists, grooming political allies is sort of like raising children: you nurture and support them, and eventually they leave the nest. []
Tech stocks fuel market - A report released by the Federal Reserve this afternoon dampened a strong rally led by technology stocks, but both the Dow and Nasdaq managed to close in positive territory. []
Tech's friends in the new Congress - Voters reanointed Congress's high-tech clique yesterday, but one popular Republican was rejected in Microsoft country--Rep. Rick White. []
Teen hackers sentenced - Two California teenagers convicted of breaking into military and other government computers last February were sentenced to probation and community service this week, according to the U.S. attorney's office. []
Tel-Save charts course with new CEO - Former Network Solutions CEO Gabriel Battista will take over an unorthodox telephone company in his return to the telecommunications world. []
Telco newcomers look for pot of gold - A new breed of telecommunications companies is banking on an unquenchable thirst for bandwidth to drive sales, but some analysts wonder whether these companies are just speeding toward a short-term pot of gold. []
Telcos put the pieces together - As GTE announces its latest Internet service, Baby Bells and telco competitors continue their communications face-off in the ongoing struggle for market share. []
Telephone firms ready for Y2K - Telephone companies around the world have taken sufficient precautions to protect themselves from the millennium computer bug, industry leaders told a conference yesterday. []
Telephone firms ready for Y2K - Telephone companies around the world have taken sufficient precautions to protect themselves from the millennium computer bug, industry leaders told a conference yesterday. []
Telstra signs PC lease deal with IBM credit - Telstra says today that it has sold the majority of its personal computer asset base to IBM Australia credit in a deal worth more than $64.7 million. []
Testers get Office 2000 beta - Microsoft will this week launch the second beta of its latest desktop productivity suite, as expected. []

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