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Space the place for Net access - The Internet space race is on as Teledesic put its first satellite into orbit yesterday in preparation for establishing a high-speed data connections and Internet access network. []
Spam snags @Home mail system - @Home (ATHM) subscribers had trouble receiving email for three days after a spammer sent out a mass mailing this weekend to America Online members using "" as the return address. []
Spammers back with backbone - The kings of spam are back with a backbone for "email marketers," but this time they claim to be adopting a kinder, gentler approach to advertising via bulk messages. []
Speech recognition takes off - A handful of companies at the Demo 98 technology conference here today attempted to prove that speech recognition systems, a category of products that have captured the public's attention but not its wallets, are about to break into the mainstream. []
Sports Illustrated puts swimsuits online - Time Warner tonight launches its popular Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition on the Web for Netizens who are willing to pay $7.95, the latest example of a media giant tapping moneymaking opportunities on the Net. []
SportsLine targets global audience - SportsLine USA (SPLN) has substantially expanded its coverage of soccer, cricket, and golf, in a two-pronged strategy for growing brand recognition overseas. []
Sprint stakes EarthLink - Looking to boost its Internet presence, Sprint (FON) is taking a 30 percent stake in EarthLink Network (ELNK) as the two companies form a joint Internet service. []
Standard snag for Gigabit Ethernet - Delays in the final stages of the standards process for gigabit-speed Ethernet could hold up formal approval of the technology at least until early summer. []
Start-up to support site owners - A former top executive at Ziff-Davis is scheduled to unveil his own Internet start-up tomorrow to serve the vast number of midsized Web sites. []
State weighs in with Net porn bill - The case of a man using the Net to romance and persuade a 13-year-old New Hampshire girl to run away with him has sparked a campaign to strengthen the state's child pornography laws to include online crimes. []
States tackle Y2K bug - Though some say the federal government is dawdling in its approach to the Year 2000 problem, a recent slew of antibug rallies held by states may indicate that state governments won't be caught with bugs at their 2000 New Year's parties. []
States, DOJ meet about Microsoft - Several state officials appeared interested in joining forces to pursue possible legal action against Microsoft at the close of a two-day meeting attended by the Justice Department here yesterday, according to a participant. []
States, DOJ to meet on Microsoft - Antitrust prosecutors from several states are preparing to meet next week with Justice Department officials to discuss strategies for legal action against Microsoft, sources familiar with the matter have told CNET's NEWS.COM. []
Student finds AOL bug - A 14-year-old high school student in Florida has discovered a bug that could be used to surreptitiously send malicious computer code to users of America Online's Instant Messenger system on the Internet. []
Studies: Net use, classifieds up - Two new studies are lending weight to the widespread suspicion that the Internet is growing. []
Study ranks ISPs' performance - IBM, recently criticized by some customers for its plans to put an hourly cap on Net access, ranked first in a study of reliability among 90 Internet service providers, while giant America Online fell slightly below average. []
Sun brief restates Java case - Sun Microsystems (SUNW) reiterated its reasons today why the logo for its Java programming language should be removed from Microsoft's (MSFT) products. []
Sun bumps Sparc chip to 336 MHz - Sun Microsystems has boosted the speed of its UltraSparc II microprocessor to 336 MHz, in the process retaking its speed lead over Intel in server chips. []
Sun joins VRML Consortium - Sun Microsystems joined the VRML Consortium today, a move that could result in better integration between its 3D application programming interface (API) and the consortium's standard. []
Sun pushing for a profitable Java - After two-plus years of playing evangelist, Sun Microsystems (SUNW) is trying to turn Java into a moneymaking proposition. But can the company's JavaSoft division turn a profit, avoid running afoul of powerful allies, and remain the keeper of the Java flame? []

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