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Semiconductor revenues to reach $300 billion - Global revenues in the semiconductor market are on track to surpass $300 billion by the year 2001, the research firm Dataquest said today. []
Semiconductor sales surge - Semiconductor sales surged 13.3 percent worldwide and 19.4 percent in the U.S. in the month of July, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association. The growth rate tracks PC sales. []
Senate debates online weapon info - Politicians frequently praise the Information Age boom. Whether the Net makes it easier for hostile nations to construct better bombs, however, is causing concern in the Senate this week. []
Senators back encryption limits - Several senators, supported by FBI chief Louis Freeh, said yesterday they would favor imposing domestic limits on computer encoding technology, shocking opponents of current limits on its export. []
Serial-killer site owner defends work - A journalist who has made a specialty of covering serial killers said yesterday she was delighted that America Online (AOL) had dumped her serial-killer home page off the Internet. []
Service to gather content for teachers - Philips Electronics is launching a new Net service called PlanetSearch Networks, which will aggregate content and news for professionals and Net users with common interests. []
Sharp making Windows CE handheld - Sharp Electronics announced it is developing a handheld PC based on the Windows CE operating system. []
Singapore fund taps global tech - A U.S. and Singaporean bank joined forces today to launch a mutual fund that will allow Singapore investors to put money into global technology stocks. []
Site connects 16,000 schools - In what its organizers are calling the largest educational initiative on the Internet, the Family Education Network has connected more than 16,000 school districts via its Web site. []
Site offers free legal help - As with health care, legal advice is finding its place on the Net. []
Sites call for censorship awareness - As Banned Books Week kicks off Monday, the Internet and the blocking software used to prevent children from accessing adult content will be focal points for the event. []
Small ISPs yawn at AOL deal - To Tom Simonds, president of a regional Internet service provider, the pending merger of America Online (AOL) and CompuServe (CSRV) is a simple matter of numbers, more for AOL and less for others. []
Small investors to get shot at IPOs - Developments on Wall Street and in Washington combined today to level the financial playing field a bit more for the individual investor. []
Smart card industry reps meet - Representatives of the Smart Card Forum called for companies to join together to use existing technology in developing a single card for consumers that can be used for multiple daily functions. []
Social Security info back online - The Social Security Administration will reinstate an Internet site that was shuttered in April because of privacy concerns, giving taxpayers access to calculations of their future retirement benefits. []
Social Security still a sticky issue - The Social Security Administration announced today that it will reopen its Web site to allow taxpayers to access its information via the Internet. Although it says it has learned from its previous effort and reached out to privacy experts, consumer advocates, and Netizens for input, it will be venturing again into one of the most delicate aspects of cyberspace and the Information Age: ensuring that personal information is safe and accessible to its rightful owners and users. The question remains whether it or other government and commercial firms will get the benefit of the doubt. []
Softbank ad unit starts network - Softbank Interactive Marketing, which sells advertising for Web sites, today launched its own ad network with 38 sites and seven channels of sites in different content areas. []
Softbank considers reorganization - Softbank, the Japanese firm that owns computer publishing giant Ziff-Davis and trade show operator Comdex, is discussing a major reorganization of its media properties in the United States, industry sources say. []
Sony beefs up consumer PCs - Sony Electronics introduced a slew of new products today, including consumer PCs featuring the 300-MHz MMX Pentium II processor and advanced 3D graphics and audio, along with new peripherals such as video cameras. []
Sony releases DVD drive bundle - Sony Computer (SNE) today announced the availability of its first DVD drive kit. []

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