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MCI building bigger pipeline - MCI (MCIC) today said it is building a custom Internet "pipeline," the first commercial OC-12 connection, to enable Microsoft's Web site data to travel to users' desktops at high speeds. []
MCI head touts competition - MCI Communications president Timothy Price said that the successful bid for the U.S. telecommunications giant would result in a "pro-competitive" entity opposed to monopoly power. []
MCI offers free security - In an effort to help the Internet community combat hackers, MCI said today it is making its new security software, the NetworkMCI DoS tracker, available for free. []
MS antitrust probe widens - Oregon today added itself to the growing list of states that are conducting a probe into Microsoft (MSFT) over antitrust issues, CNETs NEWS.COM has learned. []
MS case boils down to 55 words - The dispute between the Justice Department and Microsoft over possible violation of a 1995 consent decree is likely to boil down to 55 words. []
MS debuts data access APIs - Microsoft (MSFT) today released data access technology intended to make it easier for developers to build Web applications using the company's Internet Explorer 4.0 Web browser as a client interface to corporate data. []
MS exec fights back - Microsoft's (MSFT) No. 2 executive today called Sun Microsystems' high-profile lawsuit little more than a publicity stunt, but he also found himself on the defensive before a high-tech gathering rife with anti-Microsoft sentiment. []
MS eyeing TCI investment - Microsoft (MSFT) may invest up to $1 billion in Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI) (TCOMA), one of the nation's largest cable operators, the Wall Street Journal reported today. []
MS launches search engine - Microsoft (MSFT) today officially announced that it is launching its own Web-based search engine. []
MS previews Web-savvy tools - Microsoft (MSFT) is keeping a promise to make its C++ development tools more Net-friendly. []
MS speaks out on Compaq threat - Microsoft today defended the way it licenses the Windows 95 operating system in the face of complaints that it refused to allow Compaq Computer to remove its Internet browser icon from its PC desktops. []
MS stands by its use of Java - Microsoft (MSFT) is seeking to assure its customers that the suit filed by Sun Microsystems (SUNW) over the software giant's use of Java is without merit and will have no effect on those using its products, including its latest Web browser. []
MS targets firewall makers - Though Microsoft (MSFT) says it doesn't plan to compete with firewall vendors, firewall security features added to the latest version of its Proxy Server software could shake up the firewall software market. []
MS to activate storefronts - Boosting its efforts in the retail sector, Microsoft (MSFT) next week will release alpha code for its ActiveStore software framework to link retailers' in-store functions with back-end operations. The aim: to create a plug-and-play environment for store-level applications. []
MS to charge for game play - Microsoft (MSFT) jumped into the pay-for-play game today with a new shoot-'em-up at its Internet Gaming Zone. []
MS woos wary industry - Despite increasing scrutiny of its business practices, Microsoft (MSFT) continued to play offense this week, wooing Silicon Valley venture capitalists who normally fund its rivals. []
MS's Netscape envy revealed - In making its antitrust case against Microsoft (MSFT) a matter of public record, the Justice Department has released internal Microsoft documents that confirm what everyone has known for some time: The software giant quickly and aggressively turned its focus to browser rival Netscape Communications (NSCP) and the budding Java movement in the months after CEO Bill Gates warned his executives that the company was in danger of losing in the Internet game. []
MS, German telco to talk Net - German telecommunications group Deutsche Telekom and software giant Microsoft (MSFT) announced today that they will hold cooperation talks over the next six months on issues ranging from Internet security to WebTV. []
MS, Yahoo in deal to compete - Yesterday, Microsoft (MSFT) announced that it would launch its own search engine. Today, it said it's making deals with Yahoo (YHOO), its biggest rival in the search sector. []
MS: Where do you want to go for free? - When Microsoft (MSFT) launched its Internet-based online service, Microsoft Network, the focus was on content, which members would pay to see. []

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