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Julian Day Calendar - A system of astronomical dating that was devised in 1582.
Leap Year - The Forest Preserve District of Cook County Illinois explains leap year.
Leap Years - The Royal Observatory at Greenwich explains why we have leap years.
Leap Years and Our Calendar - Why do we need leap years and how can we tell which years are leap years?
Measuring Years - How we measure our year, and learn about different kinds of years, like cosmic and sidereal. Also find out what an olympiad or a score is.
Online Catholic Calendar - Gives the dates, month by month, of all the traditional feast and holy days for the Roman Catholic Church.
Phase of the Moon - Calendar showing the phase of the moon for this month or a month/year of your choice.
Regional Islamic Calendar - The months of the Islamic calendar and when they occur in the Americas, Europe-Africa-Asia, and Asia-Pacific.
Religious Calendars and Holy Days - Explanations of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Bahai, and Wiccan calendars and then a list of holidays associated with these calendars.
Several Calendars - Learn some basic information about the Egyptian, Roman, Gregorian, Mayan, Islamic, Jewish, and Julian calendars. Also learn how to calculate Easter.
The Ancient Calendar - The ancient calendar, its origin, problems, and development, plus a look at the names of days of the week
The Chinese Calendar - Find out if this is the year of the dragon, the snake, the horse, or another animal according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
The Classic Maya Calendar and Day Numbering System - Learn about the calendar system used in the ancient world of the Maya.
The Current Calendar System - Learn about our current calendar, daylight saving time, old clocks, new and atomic clocks, and when the millennium begins.
The French Revolutionary Calendar - Convert any date since 1792 to the Jacobin calendar, a calendar that came out of the French Revolution but was ultimately not permanently adopted.
The Islamic, Hijri, Calendar - Based on the lunar year of 354 days.
The Jewish Calendar - Based on both solar and lunar years.
The Maya Calendar - Conventional and unconventional explanations of the Mayan calendar, from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.
The Moon's Phase - Online calculator that lets you see which phase the moon is in for any date in any year.
The Origin of Leap Year - Julius Caesar started it, and here is how it evolved.

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