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Mathwiz - Financial analyzer and calculator. PV, FV, IRR, PMT,periods, payback and interest functions. Save, print, multi term amortization tables.
Matrix Calculator - Utility for manipulating matrices of real numbers. Can perform most standard matrix operations for matrices up to 20 elements square.
Matrix Workshop - Manipulates matrices of both real and complex numbers. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
MoNooN - Developer of several 2D, and 3D mathematical function plotting tools.
Moffsoft Calculator - A great replacement for your existing Windows® calculator. Features include a history tape, sizeable display, tray icon and visible memory value.
Multi-Comp Calculator 3.0 - Reduced desktop foot print and 2 user defined window layouts. Correctable electronic tape with comma and decimal alignment. Designed to be operated from your numeric keypad. [Win 95/98/NT]
NLREG - A statistical analysis program, that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis, and curve fitting. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Prime Number Generator - Generates prime numbers in the user-specified range. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
SeeThru Calculator - SeeThru Calculator, the solution to software that hides your wallpaper. You chose wallpaper you liked, why cover it when using a calculator. Tape, Sales Tax, and Unit Conversion calculator features.
SimApp-Simulation - Graphical block diagram simulator. Simulations in the time and frequency domain. Produces time, Bode and Nyquist plots. Supports user defined blocks and libraries.
Turbo Grapher - Is a technical graphing, and curve fitting program. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
U Convert It - Metric conversion made simple.
UCalc - Program supports graphing, scientific, and financial calculations. Includes an expression evaluator, unit converter, general ledger, equations solver, and 2D/3D function plotter.
UnitStar - Unit conversion program with hundreds of units and detailed descriptions. Features include generation of conversion tables, adjustable decimal places, and display of conversion formulas.
Valgetal - Play with falling numbers and improve your math skills. An educational number game with similarities to Tetris.
Vinny Graphics - Graphing and data analysis program for engineers, and engineering students. It produces multi-parameter design or test data graphs, and performs simple math operations on groups of cells. [Win95/98]
Virtual Calc - A calculator that supports unconstrained bases and infinite precision. Replaces limited calculator in Windows.
WinCurveFit - A scientific least squares curve fitting program. Data sets can be entered into a spreadsheet Window imported from programs like Excel or extracted from text files. [Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000]
dBSTAT - Contains three major components: database (data manipulation, comparison, and display), Statistics Wizard (descriptive and comparative statistics, nonparametric tests, correlation, and regression), and Graphics Wizard (creates any kinds of charts).
my Math Quiz Sheets - Is used to produce math homework sheets, which are printed and used as a study aid by students. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]

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