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Spyware Guide Database - Spy Software, Malware and Adware - SpywareGuide offers the largest searchable database of known spyware and adware. Strength privacy protection. SpywareGuide also offers a unique blocking technology using ActiveX killbit technique.
KeyLog Pro Spy Software - Offers spying, parental controls, internet filtering, monitoring and key logging software for businesses and individuals.
Ad Ware and Mal Ware Protection - Maximum ad ware, mal ware, spy ware protection. Prevent the installation of these applications by using Regblock. Regblock protects your PC against these applications by securing your system registry against installation.
SpywareRemovalBasics.Com - Easy to understand spyware removal tools, tips, and articles for both non-technical and tech savvy people. Find information on a free spyware scan, and popular spyware removal tools.

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Activity Monitor Pro - Invisible keylogger program that tracks and reports all activity on PC and emails the activity log to a pre-configured e-mail address.
Aegis Code - Security and spy software.
Alpine Snow - Provides various types of easy-to-use spying, monitoring, and password recovery tools for popular Windows programs.
Be Aware - Do you know how your computer is used when you're away? BeAware acts as a surveillance camera, capturing screen shots on your computer automatically.
BehindTheAsterisks - A password retrieving programme. Use it to see what is behind asterisks in dial-up editboxes, FTP settings. - A proactive solution for detecting and preventing employee misuse of the computer and the internet.
Computer Trap - Secretly monitors every move someone makes on a computer. Snapshot Spy records every move and allows to play them back just like a VCR.
Ghost Keylogger - An invisible keylogger with email functionality.
In the Know - Spy software that secretly records internet and PC activity.
KeyGhost - Record keystrokes with tiny module that plugs into keyboard. The KeyGhost works on any PC. Module can also be concealed in keyboard.
KeyKey - Keystroke recording program that captures every word and letter typed into a computer.
Keyboard Monitor - Secretly records all keys typed on a computer along with the window titles that typed on and the time.
KoTecH Enterprises, Inc. - The Password Spy Keyboard Recorder. Scan and save more than 524244 characters in this keyboard recording device, OS independent, undetectable, FCC15B approved.
NetSafe - Downloadable tools which block keystroke recorders from stealing your passwords and credit card numbers.
PC Spy - Shareware program that silently captures screens, showing you everything that was being viewed at specific intervals.
Shadow Products - Resellers of Keyghost keylogger, employee monitoring and computer security software.

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