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Jacobson, Janel - Inspiration for her carvings comes from the natural world around her rural home.
Klukas, Johnna Y. - Fantasy- and Science Fiction-themed carvings, sculptural boxes and chairs in wood and other media. Includes gallery of finished and in-progress pieces, and list of upcoming shows.
Kurtz, Mark - Custom chainsaw carvings and sculptures in a variety of woods.
Landau, Sol - Sculpted softwood figures capture in sculptured forms the fleeting passions and expressions of everyday life.
Lantzy, Karina - The master of transforming earth gems in wooden vases, bowls, and sculptures.
Lewis, R.D. - Sculptor of wood carousel horses and menagerie figures.
Lindquist, Mark & Melvin - World renowned sculptors.
Lionnet, Patrick - Egomorphose Gallery: sculptures of ebony, mahogany and iron-wood. Biography of the French artist.
Lionnet, Patrick - Egomorphose Gallery: sculptures of ebony, mahogany and iron-wood. Biography of the French artist.
Liptak, Rob - Fantasy/Sci-fi carvings and art pieces.
Lynch, David - Irish based sculptor creates Celtic sculpture that is visually and spiritually stimulating.
MacIntosh, Hal - Featuring figurative, life-size sculptures, totems, and carvings.
Mankin Sculptors - Large interior wood church crosses.
McDaniel, Harry - The artwork ranges from abstract, decorative sculptures to symbolic pieces dealing with psychological and anthropological themes.
McKenna, Des - Australian woodcarver and sculptor using fallen timber from the forest floor. Biography and gallery.
McKoy, Grainger - Wood, bronze, and sterling silver sculptor.
Mellick, James - Heartwood Atelier - Wood sculptures and the "In the Doghouse" anthologies.
Mellick, James - Heartwood Atelier - Wood sculptures and the "In the Doghouse" anthologies.
Milea Sandu, Constantin - Photos and complete catalogue of author's works.
Miller, Elliot - Wood sculpture and fine woodcarving using animal motifs, carved in found and exotic wood, based in New York City.

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