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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Tat Chat Web Site - Use this site to sign up for the Tat Chat email list or online classes. Archives for the list are also accessed from this site.
Tat's All - This Canadian shop stocks books, tools, needles, shuttles, and threads. They carry beads and other tat accessories. The site holds tips, patterns, an events calendar and other 'neat stuff' like the NATA nut.
TatChat - The original TatChat homepage holds a gallery of advanced works, patterns, and links to members websites. The Exchange Archive contains over 100 items.
TatDuJour - Kathlyn's gallery includes some jewelry and a wedding garter. Site includes a brief history.
Tatalltales Presents... - Tat-tropolis Central, a comprehensive links list.
Tatfly - Here's Lori's butterfly pattern!
Tatn' Texee's Ranch - In a precise format, Rhonda shares information not found elsewhere: abbreviations, publishers, chatelaines, designer profiles, how to dye threads, and a index of Workbasket articles.
Tatted Jewelry by Elizabeth - Elizabeth combines tatting and bread dough to create jewelry.
Tatted Lace from Canada, eh! - Site lists suppliers available to Canadians, discusses threads and tips.
Tatted RoundRobins - Homepage for the 30+ roundrobins currently in motion, this site contains photos of work in progress as well as information on how to join these tat groups. Some robins include patterns.
Tatted bits - This small gallery holds photos of 2 doilies, 2 bookmarks and a seahorse.
Tatter's Haven 2 - Bobbie shares crosses, a collar and a rosary.
Tatter's Home Page - Six clear and simple patterns are great for the beginner.
Tattered - LaRae's site has a large collection of patterns, how-to tips and gallery items. There's also a "locate a lacemaker or vendor" feature, plus polls and poems.
Tatting - Grace's gallery contains over 2 dozen items. Her patterns include a teacup and saucer.
Tatting - Grace's gallery contains over 2 dozen items. Her patterns include a teacup and saucer.
Tatting &Shuttles - Connie TenClay creates an unusual flat shuttle design.
Tatting And Lace In Virginia - This is the home of KNOTS newsletter, a gallery and kwik kritter patterns.
Tatting Friends of Tammy Rodgers - This site introduces tatters to each other via photos and a short biography.
Tatting Just for You - This site has illustrated instructions, plus doilies and edgings for sale.

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